Monday Made It {November 10, 2014}

November Monday Made It.  I haven’t linked up since August  Where has the time gone…

As most of you know, I’ve switched gears this year and I’m now teaching ESOL.  I’ve just barely gotten my feet wet and am finally in a groove of “almost” knowing what I’m doing.  You know, each new teaching position has a bit of a learning curve and this one has been a huge bend in the road.  Like a mountain road kind of bend.
On to my Made Its:

Since I’ve switched gears, I’m finding that I have a need for ELA resources to use with my ELL students.  When looking for resources, I’ve found that I can’t quite find what fits my needs.  See, I pull kids to work with me in my classroom twice a week for 30 minutes.  There’s just not enough time in that short session to do all of the activities found in most resources that are geared towards phonics.  I need something quick and easy.  And, I need for it to be a flipbook, or notes, that can be added to their ESOL notebooks.  So, I’ve started creating what I need.  First up…”L” Blends:

Yay!  It’s on sale right now for only $1!  Check it out {here}.

I didn’t really make this…but I framed it:

Isn’t it lovely?  I got it from a  If you haven’t Jane-ed (yep, made up that word…remember, I do that a lot), then you should totally check them out. The seller was Beloved Paper.  So, if you are interested in it, you can check out more of her loveliness {here}.

And now the curtains:

I have been loving getting creative with my Erin Condren Planner.  It’s one of my “happy” times of the week.  I love coming up with ways to get a little creative and use very little brain power doing it.  This is the perfect way to do that…it’s relaxing.

(Yes, this is last week…but it’s finally completed.  This week’s is still a work in progress.)

Finally, this isn’t really a tangible thing…but it’s an idea that I’ve recently created.

Starting on November 22nd, I’ll be starting up a new monthly linky.  It will be similar in nature to the Fabulous Finds Friday that I did back in 2011, but with a twist.  Check out what I mean {here}.  Hope you’ll consider linking up!

How about you?  What have you been creating?

Have a great week!

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